World of Better Vision Education Video


This program covers both surface treatment and LASIK laser vision correction procedures. It begins by explaining refractive errors, presbyopia and how aberrations, detected by wavefront analysis, can affect clarity of vision. It explains the primary differences between convention and custom laser vision correction and provides visual comparisons of conventional and custom visual outcomes in both day and nighttime scenarios. Although the vast majority of patients experience excellent results, the program clearly states that results cannot be guaranteed.

We customize the program to include an introduction at the beginning with your doctor’s name, your practice name, or your logo as the “presenter” of the video program.

Reel #235, Program Length: 6:47, Item #TA-09-13

Call 800-436-9126 or email [email protected] to place an order

Description Price
Initial License (DVD or MP4) $250
Additional Licenses (DVD or MP4*) $75/each
MP4 Enterprise License** $575

*Additional license pricing is based on the number of devices on which you will use the MP4.

**MP4 Enterprise License is a one-time purchase, which includes the “Initial Program License” cost, allowing you to place the file on a server and/or an unlimited number of devices.

Pricing includes custom title with either the doctor’s name, practice name or logo as the “presenter.”

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Description Discount!
Two or more titles $50 off each First Program
Pricing includes custom title with either the doctor’s name, practice name or logo as the “presenter.

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